Council may establish off street parking standards to reflect public transportation supportive designs or shared parking arrangements in Mixed Use developments.”


The building was constructed prior to the passing of the by-law, likely around 1920-1930. Parking was not provided on site when the existing building was constructed with 4 residential apartments and 3 main floor commercial units.

Commercial parking was available on Wellington Road and on University Ave in front of the building.

According to the City of Windsor Transportation Planning Staff there is presently no on-street residential permit parking within the neighbourhood.

Residential use requires fewer parking spaces than commercial use. The conversion of the main floor from commercial to residential, in my professional opinion, will provide parking relief and improve the parking situation.

Prior to signing a lease, tenants will be informed that the units do not have parking associated with the units.

Given the location of the units optimally located near the University of Windsor and St. Clair College, as well as the site being on the main bus route and main bike trail along University Ave, in my professional opinion, parking will not be required by the tenants.


As discussed previously, the building was constructed prior to the passing of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 8600 and has existed with no on site parking and only on street parking for the commercial main floor units.

With the conversion of the main floor from commercial (a heavy parking requirement land use) to residential (a low parking requirement land use), less parking is required.

The requested OPA to support the conversion of the commercial main floor to residential units and the continuation of the low profile, small scale building, in my professional opinion, can be considered appropriate for the mixed use neighbourhood and conforms with the intent of this policy.