6.9 Mixed Use:

“The lands designated as “Mixed Use” on Schedule D: Land Use provide the main locations for compact clusters of commercial, office, institutional, open space and residential uses. These areas are intended to serve as the focal point for the surrounding neighbourhoods, community, or region. As such, they will be designed with a pedestrian orientation and foster a distinctive and attractive area identity.


The existing building will act as a gateway for the existing residential development to the south on Wellington. The adaptive re-use of the existing structure will create the focal point and gateway for entrance to the single, detached residential neighbourhood. In my professional opinion, the adaptive re-use of the building is a positive rejuvenation and with minor exterior improvements, will allow the low profile building to serve as the gateway structure along University Ave into Wellington Ave.

The majority of commercial buildings in this neighbourhood along University Ave are vacant and without tenants. The area is not located within a DBIA or CIP area identified and preserved through regulation for commercial uses. The proposed additional 2 residential units will bring the use of the subject building to full capacity.


For the purpose of this Plan, Mixed Use development is further classified as follows: (a) Mixed Use Corridors which occupy linear street frontages with commercial, institutional and open space uses located immediately adjacent to the public right-of-way and residential uses located above grade;”


As discussed, the building is existing and will only have minor exterior cosmetic modifications and will only undergo minor interior modifications to accommodate an additional 2 residential units for a total of 6 residential apartment units.

Due to the limitations of the existing building and the site and building configuration, the conversion of the main floor commercial to residential and the upgrade of the existing 4 units will result in a low profile, small scale building.

Other structures within the University Avenue neighbourhood have been converted to low profile, small scale residential buildings. Support of the proposed conversion, in my professional opinion, is consistent with previously approved OPA’s by Council for similar adaptive re-uses within the neighbourhood.