Section Planning Rationale Report 

Where a Planning Rationale Report is required, such a study should:

  1. Include a description of the proposal and the approvals required;

  2. Describe the site‟s previous development approval history;

  3. Describe major physical features or attributes of the site including current land uses(s) and surrounding land uses, built form and contextual considerations;

  4. Describe whether the proposal is consistent with the provincial policy statements issued under the Planning Act;

  5. Describe the way in which relevant Official Plan policies will be addressed, including both general policies and site-specific land use designations and policies;

  6. Describe whether the proposal addresses the Community Strategic Plan;

  7. Describe the suitability of the site and indicate reasons why the proposal is appropriate for this site and will function well to meet the needs of the intended future users;

  8. Provide an analysis of the compatibility of the design and massing of the proposed developments and land use designations;

  9. Provide an analysis and opinion as to why the proposal represents good planning, including the details of any methods that are used to mitigate potential negative impacts;

  10. Describe the impact on the natural environment;

  11. Describe the impact on municipal services;

  12. Describe how the proposal will affect the social and/or economic conditions using demographic information and current trends; and,

  13. Describe areas of compliance and non-compliance with the Zoning By-law.