1. The proponent is proposing the development of the site for a low profile building with two storeys and a total of 8 rental residential apartment units. The minor Official Plan Amendment (OPA) will provide a site specific policy to recognize the existing structure as a 2 storey building with four apartments on the second floor, a converted main floor with three residential units and a basement with one residential unit for a building containing 8 residential units as a Small Scale, Low Profile Residential apartment building;

  2. The building has existed on site for well over 90 years with main floor commercial and residential apartments above the commercial;

  3. The site has been developed with the existing building for over 90 years;

  4. As outlined above, the proposed development, in my opinion, is consistent with the PPS;

  5. Please refer to the OP section above where the OPA will be site specific. Once adopted, the OPA will ensure the proposed development conforms with the relevant ‘Mixed Use’ OP policies;

  6. The proposal conforms with policy direction of the municipality such as the walking, biking, and healthy communities initiatives;

  7. The building is existing in a mixed use neighbourhood. The adaptive re-use of the building is an optimum use of the gateway building. By utilizing the existing building for residential, less parking is required, supports municipal services, provides for municipal transit supportive, and provides for needed rental units;