The proposed development will provide a total of 110 parking spaces, 8 of which will be barrier free parking spaces. A total of 14 bicycle spaces will also be provided to promote the use of active transportation. The proposed development intends to provide local students, professionals and other local residents with a unique housing option near the downtown core, both of the University of Windsor Campuses and the St. Clair College Downtown Campus.

The proposed multiple dwelling building will be a minimum of 2.8 metres from the side yard property line, and 3.4 metres from the rear property line.

The existing buildings on site will remain in place and will be rehabilitated for commercial use. 1200 University Avenue West (east building) is approximately 855 m² (9,200 ft2) and is located along the east side yard property line, and 83 metres from the rear property line. 1220 University Avenue West (west building) is approximately 1,352 m² (14,560 ft²) and located 3.4 metres from the west side yard property line. The barrel roof portion of 1220 University Avenue West will be restored to accommodate approximately 940 m² of amenity space for the proposed residential building.

The proposed development is a redevelopment project intended to help revitalize the downtown core of Windsor and provide post-secondary students, professionals, and other local residents with addi�onal affordable housing op�ons. Access to the proposed development will be provided from University Avenue West and an exis�ng sidewalk connec�on will connect the proposed development to the surrounding neighbourhoods.

A Zoning By-Law Amendment application is required to permit the proposed development. The applicant is requesting an amendment from the existing ‘Commercial District 2.2 (CD2.2)’ zoning to a site-specific ‘Commercial District 2.2 (CD2.2)’ zoning category to permit the proposed development.

Additionally, Site Plan Control Approval will be required for the site prior to the issuance of building permits.

Refer to Figure 4.0 - Conceptual Site Plan and Appendix A – Development Applicaion.