October 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Item 7.3
Additional Information

From: barinder bhangu
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2020 12:23 PM
To: clerks <clerks@citywindsor.ca>
Subject: Exemption for Airport Business Park Inc., File # ICB Exemption 2020-11

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Dear Standing Committee,

Please DO NOT pass an exemption for Airport Business Park Inc., File # ICB Exemption 2020-11.

Here are a list of reasons why:

-This company has not follow the bylaws since the day it is opened. 

- it has caused tremendous DUST, NOISE and LIGHT POLLUTION for the residents in the area. We have to keep our windows closed all year long due to this polution

- We constantly have DUST sentiment on our outdoor furniture

-We are not sleeping well because of the NOISE pollution from that truck lot. I understood that this lot is zoned for only two storage trailers & they have always had well over that amount & have not been storage. They are constantly moving trailers around.

- The truck lot runs 24/7 with at least 50 trailers & many trucks. There is continuous NOISE pollution coming from this lot. The beeping from the back up alarm, the squeal of the air brakes & the loud, sudden smash as they hook up to trailers in the early morning hours.

- the dreading smell of DIESEL in colder months is another issue that will have lasting effects on our health

This company has not done anything to follow what the city of Windsor bylaw is and has not helped resolve the residents concerns in the area. Also I understood that as of June there has been a cease operation order on that lot and nothing has stopped yet.

We moved into a nice residential area for a reason and pay taxes for that. We did not want to live in an industrial area and very much resent that the City is thinking of allowing our area to permanently be scarred by this truck lot.



Barinder and Barinderjeet Bhangu