LOT LINE means the boundary of a lot.

EXTERIOR LOT LINE means a lot line which parallels and abuts a street.

FRONT LOT LINE means the shortest exterior lot line. On a corner lot, where the front lot line curves to meet an exterior side lot line, for the purpose of the determination of length in metres, the front lot line shall be determined to extend to the mid-point on the curve where the front lot line and side lot line meet.

INTERIOR LOT LINE means a lot line which does not parallel and abut a street.

REAR LOT LINE means the exterior lot line or interior lot line which is farthest from the front lot line. On a corner lot, where the rear lot line curves to meet an exterior side lot line, for the purpose of the determination of length in metres, the rear lot line shall be determined to extend to the mid-point on the curve where the rear lot line and side lot line meet.

SIDE LOT LINE means any exterior lot line or interior lot line other than a front lot line or a rear lot line.

SCREENING FENCE means a fence designed and used to visually separate different property uses and to block off views and which is continuous or effectively continuous throughout its entire length in accordance with the provisions of the Fence By-law.

YARD means an open space, which is located on the same lot as a building or other structure, and is unoccupied and unobstructed from ground to sky except for any encroachments not prohibited by this by-law.

LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE YARD means a yard used for landscaped open space, patios, terraces, decks and pedestrian walkways.

REQUIRED YARD means for the purpose of Section 5.30 any of required front yard, required rear yard, required side yard or required landscaped open space yard.