MULTIPLE DWELLING means one dwelling containing a minimum of three dwelling units. A double duplex dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, stacked dwelling or townhome dwelling is not a multiple dwelling.

DWELLING UNIT means a unit that consists of a self-contained set of rooms located in a building or structure, that is used or intended for use as residential premises, and that contains kitchen and bathroom facilities that are intended for the use of the unit only.


  1. For the purpose of Section 5.10.9, means the average elevation of the finished surface of the ground adjacent to the accessory building.

  2. For the remainder of the By-law, means the average elevation of the crown of that part of the street abutting the front lot line. Where the elevation of a point on a building located on the lot is equal to the grade elevation, that point is deemed to be "at grade".

HABITABLE ROOM WINDOW means a window in any room or area designed for living, sleeping, eating or food preparation within a dwelling, dwelling unit or mobile home dwelling. It does not include a window in any room or area designed for personal care and grooming, maintaining or storing wardrobe items and household goods, operation of mechanical or utility systems, or parking of a motor vehicle.

LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE means an area open to the sky and maintained with one or more of the following ground covers: bark; flowers; grass; mulch; ornamental stone, block or brick, excluding construction grade aggregate; shrubs; trees; water feature; wood chips; and may include outdoor recreational facilities accessory to a dwelling or dwelling unit.

LOADING SPACE means an area used for the temporary parking of a motor vehicle while goods are loaded thereon or unloaded therefrom.

LOT means a contiguous parcel of land under one ownership, the boundaries of which are on record in the Land Registry Office of the County of Essex (No. 12) in the Registry or Land Titles Division.

LOT AREA means the total land area in square metres, as measured along a horizontal plane, within the lot lines of a lot, excluding any part of a lot permanently covered by water.


  1. the percentage of lot area covered by all buildings at grade, combined with

  2. the percentage of lot area covered by the vertical downward projection of all roofs, cantilevered building walls and other projecting features exclusive of the following: balconies; chimney breasts; cornices; decks; eaves; fire escapes; steps and ramps; a swimming pool open to the sky; the first 15.0 m2 of a sunroom.

Lot coverage may also be indicated in square metres.

LOT FRONTAGE means the distance in metres measured on a horizontal plane between the side lot lines, such distance being measured at a right angle to the line joining the middle of the front lot line with either the middle of the rear lot line or the apex of the triangle formed by the side lot lines, and at a point thereon 6.0 metres distance from the front lot line.