Lodging House

Multiple Dwelling

Religious Residence

Residential Care Facility

Any of the following existing dwellings:

Double Duplex Dwelling

Duplex Dwelling

Semi-Detached Dwelling

Single Unit Dwelling

Any use accessory to any of the preceding uses




Lot Frontage – minimum

30.0 m


Lot Area – minimum


For a corner lot having a minimum frontage of 30.0 m on each of the exterior lot lines:

a) For the first 5 dwelling units

540.0 m2

b) For the next 19 dwelling units

67.0 m2 per unit

c) For each additional dwelling unit

44.0 m2 per unit

For any other lot:


d) For the first 4 dwelling units

540.0 m2

e) For the next 15 dwelling units

85.0 m2 per unit

f) For each additional dwelling unit

55.0 m2 per unit


Lot Coverage – maximum



Main Building Height – maximum


Corner Lot

24.0 m

Interior Lot

18.0 m


Landscaped Open Space Yard – minimum

35.0% of lot area


Dwelling Unit Density – dwelling units per hectare – maximum  


For a corner lot having a minimum frontage of 30.0 m on each of the exterior lot lines  188 units per ha


For any other lot  150 units per ha


A Lodging House for the accommodation of 10 persons or less, and any use accessory thereto, shall comply with the Single Unit Dwelling provisions of Section 10.1.5 and further, the whole of the building shall be used for a Lodging House, including any accessory use. [ZNG/5630]