From: Ted Hopkins
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2020 2:29 PM
To: Toldo, Beth <>
Subject: Re: September 21, 2020 Standing Committee meeting

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Ms Toldo

With reference to the public meeting scheduled for 21 September dealing with alley closing between Dougall and Church from Liberty to Beals, be advised that the notice of meeting was received in today's mail at 12:15 pm. We have never been made aware of this pending application until this notice was received. We are very concerned by the late notice and would request that this meeting be postponed to allow for discussion of the application among the other affected neighbours and to prepare a submission to the committee. In addition, we have concerns about our responsibility for the cost of acquiring the subject property, should the application be approved. In addition, there are certain inaccuracies in the reports accompanying the notice. We request permission to submit our comments, should the committee not grant a postponement.


Ted & Jean Hopkins