From: Tanner, Karl

Sent: Friday, September 18, 2020 11:28 AM

To: Toldo, Beth <><></>

Cc: Hunt, Thom <>; Bortolin, Rino <>; Dan Jahn <>; Melanie Muir <>; Francis, Fred <>; Cooke, Michael <>; Nwaesei, Justina <>

Subject: Development & Heritage Standing Committee Meeting - September 21 2020 -Request for Deferral Rezoning Application for properties known as 3945 and 3985 Dougall Avenue; Applicant: 2319576 Ontario Ltd.; File No. Z-014/19, ZNG/5898; Ward 1

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On behalf of our clients, 2319576 Ontario Ltd. , we are writing to you today to respectfully request that the Development & Heritage Standing Committee consider a deferral at the September 21 2020 meeting for two (2) months of:

Item 7.1
3945 and 3985 Dougall Avenue
Applicant: 2319576 Ontario Ltd.
File No. Z-014/19, ZNG/5898
Ward 1 (S 39/2020)

The reasons for the deferral are related to:

Please confirm receipt of the request.