Planning/Design Consideration Summary of public comments


  Concern if noise from Dougall if trees are removed

Noise generated from traffic along Dougall represents an existing condition that is independent of the proposed development. However, existing trees will be retained where possible, additional screening and fencing can be added to alleviate any concerns.

Building structure to add significant noise attention from Dougall Traffic

Traffic/Vehicle Movement

Worsening of traffic at Kennedy and Roseland

Short signal time at Roseland and Dougall

Location of the proposed Roseland Drive East access and concerns regarding the safety of pedestrians and cyclists, particularly children

Delivery trucks- location of the loading area and the times of deliveries

A Traffic Impact Study (TIS) has been completed which confirms that there will be no significant impacts from the proposed development on the neighborhood. Traffic at Kennedy Drive and Roseland Drive East is not expected to worsen as a result of the proposed development. The proposed commercial uses are considered low trip generators. The proposed location and design of the access points have accounted for local traffic conditions and will help to minimize any impacts on the surrounding road network.

Traffic signal times are controlled by the City, and any requests related to signal to time should be directed towards the City’s Traffic Department.

The proposed Roseland Drive access is not expected to create congestion or traffic impacts with pedestrians/cyclists. This has been verified through the completed TIS. Appropriate traffic calming measures and signage can be implemented to ensure drivers are cogniza nt of children in the neighborhood and cautious while entering and exiting the site.

Given the scale and nature of the proposed development, the largest vehicles entering the site for delivery purposes are expected to be cube vans. It is expected that delivery times will be during off-peak traffic hours to