Planning/Design Consideration Summary of public comments Response
  Loading zone location

limit any concerns with the potential blocking of traffic, but during regular business hours so that noise and headlight issues are not a factor.

Given the relatively nominal frequency of deliveries expected for the proposed commercial use, the location of the loading zone is not considered to be a significant issue. However, the site plan is not set yet and the applicant will review this during the Site Plan Control Process which may present an opportunity to relocate the loading zone so that any potential slowdown in traffic flow coinciding with deliveries is minimized. 

Light Pollution

Light Pollution from the proposed development

Light from Dougall Ave

Full cut-off lighting will be required on the site which will direct the light away from the existing residences. Lighting will have to conform to City Standards and will be approved during the Site Plan Control Process.

Existing lighting from sources along Dougall Ave outside the subject site represents an existing condition outside the control of the proponent. However, where possible, intrusive lighting from outside sources may be minimized, potentially through coordination with City staff. 

Poor lighting at night Fear to increased traffic risk to pedestrians due to poor lighting  The proposed neighborhood commercial use is expected to operate during conventional business hours. Appropriate lighting will be provided within the site, however, existing lighting conditions/street lighting are generally regulated and controlled by the City. 
Sidewalk Connections Fear to increased traffic risk to pedestrians due to inadequate pedestrians  Internal walkways and connections to existing public sidewalks will be provided for in the development. Additionally, appropriate street signage can be implemented to caution drivers of children in the neighborhood. These concerns will be addressed during the Site Plan Control