4.0 Comments Received

Attendees of the meetings provided valuable feedback to project staff. All attendees were encouraged to provide their comments to project staff in-person at the event or in writing on the comment sheets that were made available throughout the room. Comments were received at the PIC, as well as via email and additional comments were received by telephone prior to the end of the comment period on June 18, 2018. In total, 15 submissions were received.

There was both support and opposition regarding this proposal received from the residents. Many people were in support of the redevelopment but had site-specific concerns about the configuration and the functionality of the site. Those in favor also were happy to see that neighborhood commercial uses were being proposed and that no drive-thru restaurants would fit on the site. Many of the neighbors were glad to hear that the current tenants of the two residences on the site would be vacating the site and upgrades to the site would be happening.

The table below captures the concerns raised by the public (verbally at the meeting, telephone calls and in writing) and provides responses to the planning and design-related issues that were raised.

Planning/Design Consideration Summary of Public Comments Response
Property Value Fear of property values loss/decline We are unable to speak to land values and this should be discussed directly with and Ontario Land Appraiser. However, the proposed development would be designed to be in keeping with the scale of surrounding residential development. It is anticipated that the development will support uses such as offices, and personal service uses.
Noise Pollution Concern over the impact of noise from the site The proposed development will not generate any undue noise pollution. The development will be primarily office and personal service uses that will operate within normal business hours, thus not causing any additional noise after hours. In addition, landscaping and fencing will be provided as a buffer between the rear of the property and the existing residential dwellings to the west to mitigate any issues that may arise. These issues will be further reviewed during the Site Plan Control Approval phase of the development.