Planning/Design Consideration Summary of Public comments Response
    Approval Phase of the development
Bar/Restaurant Use Concerns stemming from specific use such as noise, garbage, and vermin  At this time, the applicant is currently not proposing a bar/restaurant use on the site. Through the Site Plan Control Process, details such as garbage enclosures, fencing and site safety will be reviewed.   
Trees Removal of existing trees  Existing trees will be retained where possible. New landscaping will be provided in accordance with City Site Plan Guidelines. Landscaping will be reviewed and finalized during the Site Plan Control Approval stage of the development.
Fencing Protection of Existing fencing and adequacy of new facing New privacy fencing may be provided along the perimeter of the property by the proponent. Existing fencing that neighbors wish to retain will not be disturbed. Details regarding the fencing will be reviewed during the Site Plan Control phase of the development.
Garbage Concerns regarding storage, odor, and potential to attract pests/vermin  As the proposed commercial enterprise is expected to be office and personal service uses, there are no significant issues expected in this regard. Should an external area be required appropriate garbage enclosure will be provided to protect the neighbors and site from any protection issue.
Building Location  Wish to have the building relocated against the street  Building size and location will be reviewed during the Site Plan Control review process.
Building Height  Concerns regarding building height/scale  Building height will be in keeping with surrounding properties. The maximum permitted building height in this area is 2 stories, which is the same as the proposed neighborhood commercial development. 
Creation of Additional Commercial Lands  Fear that the neighborhood character will change as a result of the proposed commercial development  The proponent is not looking to acquire or change the use of any other properties in the area at this time. The requested Neighbourhood Commercial zoning only permits uses that are complementary in nature to surrounding residential properties. The Residential land use designation in the Official Plan is being retained.