Planning/Design Considerations Summary of Public Comments Response 
Stormwater Management Concerns regarding stormwater impact or flooding risk on neighboring properties A review of the existing conditions and proposed impact the development may have on the area has been completed as part of the Stormwater Management Report, submitted as part of the application. As a result, no stormwater or flooding impacts on adjacent properties resulting from the proposed development is anticipated. A further review of the proposed site grading, servicing and stormwater issues will be reviewed during the Site Plan Control Approval process. 
Notification Concern regarding the appropriateness of the notification process and ensuring neighbors are made aware of opportunities for public input in the future Planning Act requirements for neighborhood notification have been followed. In addition to the Residents Meeting, neighbors will be able to speak to the proposed rezoning at the scheduled Planning Committee meeting. Notice of the Committee meeting will be issued a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the date of the meeting. Additionally, residents who have requested further information via email will be kept up to date on the process status.

More detailed questions relating to the intricate details of site configuration, landscaping and access can be addressed during the Site Plan Control process, intended to follow the successful amendment to the City of Windsor Zoning By-Law 8600.