Official Plan Policy:

The Windsor Official Plan states ( “Council will protect heritage resources by: (c) Requiring that, prior to approval of any alteration, partial demolition, removal or change in use of a designated heritage property, the applicant demonstrate that the proposal will not adversely impact the heritage significance of the property …”. Also, (, “Council will manage heritage resources by: (e) providing support and encouragement to organizations and individuals who undertake the conservation of heritage resources by private means”.

Risk Analysis:

The windows are an important component of the conservation of this designated property and so are original and authentic heritage elements. The proposed window repair and replacements are a result of research, evaluations, and discussions with the owner. If not supported through financial incentives, the proposal would be additional costs that the Owner is not willing to bear and there would be a loss to the heritage value of the property if the original windows are disposed and replaced with lower quality windows. The owner would likely request for Heritage Alteration Permit to remove and replace all of the windows if their request is not granted.

For the Community Heritage Fund, no City funds will be expended until the project is determined by the Planning and Building Services Department to be complete, meeting the Ontario Building Code and according to good heritage practices. The applicant will be required as part of the condition of approval to include detailed specifications such as the technical information about the material and techniques employed through information from the contractor and from the provision of window shop drawings, to ensure that the repair project is heritage appropriate, prior to disbursement of the funds.

Financial Matters:

Community Heritage Fund guidelines include "As a general principle, awards will be limited to a maximum of $50,000 unless the DHSC (Development & Heritage Standing Committee) so recommends and Council approves." The award from the Community Heritage Fund will generally be given according to the following formula: Grant: 15 percent of the award in the form of a grant & Low Cost Loan: 85 percent of the award”. "A minimum of two cost estimates, based on specifications approved by the DHSC and the Commissioner of Building & Development Services, shall be obtained by the owner for all restoration work to be done.” The estimates will be reviewed to ensure that all work specified is covered. The lower bid will usually be recommended for funding."

The Owner has obtained two quotes for repairs for all of the windows, and those quotes amounted to $100,000 or more. Whereas the costs to replace all of the windows with regular wood windows (not specifically heritage types) were estimated by City Staff to be in the range of the $30,000s. While it would not be acceptable for a designated heritage property to allow for replacement of windows to vinyl or just regular wood windows, the costs for heritage appropriate solutions are evidently significantly higher. The proposal for this mixed approach of retention and repair of the original windows (Rawlings Studio Quote of $62,150) with acceptable heritage replacements (Pella’s Quote of $17,661.80) would cost $79, 811.80.