The proponent originally wanted the replacement of most of the windows due to cost concerns. Through encouragement by city staff, the proponent sought assessment of the condition of the original windows and quotes for their repairs, as well as quotes for replacement windows from Pella’s. Repair of original windows generally outweighs the cost of ordering new windows due to significant skilled labour costs. As a result of the proponent concerns, city staff conducted further review of the windows, quotes, and additional documentation of the windows (Appendix C). It was identified that some of the windows were not original, so it would be acceptable to replace the non-original and more secondary/altered windows with historical/traditional-looking wood windows.

Each of the 16 original and decorative windows are to be repaired and quote has been provided by Rawlings Studio, who have good experience in heritage windows (having done the reconstruction of historically accurate windows using historical materials at the Sandwich Fire Hall Rehabilitation Project). The quote identifies use of conservation techniques and traditional materials aligned with Heritage Standards and practices.

The four windows located at the Mill Street porch although original, have been altered in the 1980s through replacement of glass and removal of the vertical muntins. City Staff thus requested for wood windows that would appear historically accurate, since the existing are originals (although altered), and are located on a prominent face of the building. ADA proposed the Pella’s Reserve Series windows for the replacements. In particular, the four windows at the Mill Street Porch area would include a putty glaze exterior with Ogee Interior simulated divided lites (using Pella’s Integral Light technology system) to mimic the look of divided lites with a foam spacer. Although not the most authentic, this option is acceptable for this situation and will bring back the original appearance. The current 3rd floor dormer casement windows are not matching with the Victorian Italianate style. In light of lack of historical documentation of original appearance, city staff have advised ADA to propose hung-style window as replacement. The single-hung windows proposed for the dormers would be compatible with the style of the building.

The windows will be painted to match the Heritage Alteration Permit approved Point Grey, Vancouver Green, and Lancaster Whitewash Colour Scheme (CR 501/2019). The cost of painting on the new windows is not part of the quotes provided.