RESTAURANT means a building used for the preparing and serving of food and/or beverage to customers for immediate consumption within the building or within a physically defined open air sit down eating area located on the same lot. It may include as an accessory use, the preparing and selling of food or beverage for consumption off the premises, and entertainment exclusive of a dance floor. It does not include a food outlet – drive-through

RETAIL STORE means premises used for the lease, rental or retail sale of goods and may also include a bake shop, convenience store, food convenience store, grocery store, pawnshop, pet shop, or pharmacy. It does not include the processing, manufacture or assembly of a good or the sale of a bus, construction equipment, farm tractor, equipment or implement, motor vehicle, truck or vehicle of the tractor trailer or semi-trailer type, or other heavy equipment. An automobile sales lot or motor vehicle dealership is not a retail store.

TOURIST HOME means an ancillary use that:

  1. is located in a single unit dwelling that is the principal residence of the tourist home operator;

  2. provides sleeping accommodation to the travelling public; and

  3. may include the provision of meals.

A bed and breakfast or a guest house is a tourist home. A correctional institution, group home, hotel, private home day care, residential care facility or a lodging house is not a tourist home.


  1. when used as a noun means the purpose for which a building, lot, premises or structure is designed, maintained or occupied.

  2. when used as a verb means anything done by any person or permitted, either directly or indirectly by any person, for the purpose of making use of a building, lot, premises or structure.

ACCESSORY USE means a use which is customarily incidental, subordinate and exclusively devoted to the main use and is carried on with such main use on the same lot.

ANCILLARY USE means a use, other than an accessory use, which complements or otherwise provides a service to the main use of the zoning district in which it is located.