SINGLE UNIT DWELLING means one dwelling having one dwelling unit or, where permitted by Section 5.99.80, one dwelling having two dwelling units. A single family dwelling is a single unit dwelling. A duplex dwelling, mobile home dwelling, semi-detached dwelling unit, or townhome dwelling unit, is not a single unit dwelling.

DWELLING UNIT means a unit that consists of a self-contained set of rooms located in a building or structure, that is used or intended for use as residential premises, and that contains kitchen and bathroom facilities that are intended for the use of the unit only.

SEMI-DETACHED DWELLING UNIT means one dwelling unit in a semi-detached dwelling, and may include, if permitted by Section 5.99.80, one additional dwelling unit.

FOOD OUTLET - TAKE-OUT means a building used for the sale of prepared food for consumption off the premises exclusively to walk-in customers and may also include the preparation of food sold at retail. A take-out food outlet or a take-out restaurant is a food outlet – take-out. A food catering service or micro-brewery is not a food outlet – take-out.

MEDICAL OFFICE means a building used by a physical health or mental health professional and their staff for the purpose of consultation, counselling, diagnosis and treatment of a patient and may also include as an accessory use a pharmacy. An ambulance service, medical appliance facility, personal service shop or veterinary office is not a medical office.

OFFICE means a building where any one or more of the following services are provided: business is transacted; administrative, clerical or professional services are performed.

PERSONAL SERVICE SHOP means a building used for the personal care treatment or grooming, including body modification, of person or a pet, the maintenance or repair of a wardrobe item, including a dry cleaning operation having a maximum GFA of 275.0 m2 and a dry cleaning depot, and the following services: duplication, film processing, optician, and picture framing. A medical office is not a personal service shop.

PROFESSIONAL STUDIO means a building used for any one or more of the following: instruction in dance, film, movie, music, or video production, fine arts, photography, or other artistic endeavour; design studio; interior decorator's studio; film, movie, or video studio; photography studio; portrait studio; recording studio. It may include a business office in combination with any of the preceding uses. A cultural facility, health studio, personal service shop, or retail store is not a professional studio.

REPAIR SHOP - LIGHT means a building used for the maintaining or repairing of a good for household and personal use such as an appliance, assistive device, bicycle including power-assisted bicycle, clock, furniture, jewellery, lawn and garden equipment, luggage, musical instrument, sporting good, or watch. It does not include the maintaining or repairing of a motor vehicle. A light repair shop is a repair shop - light. An automobile collision shop, automobile detailing service, automobile repair garage, contractor’s office, personal service shop or service station is not a repair shop - light.