August 10, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee Meeting
Item 7.1
Additional InformationFrom: Sandra Pardy
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2020 10:26:58 PM
To: Nwaesei, Justina
Subject: Re: Additional information re File # ZNG/6052 Z-005/20

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I have carefully read every word of the 36 page report.

Nothing in the report addresses the issue I'm bringing forward in my petition.

If you are saying RD1.2 zoning allows 40 ft lots then are you saying the amendment proposal will simply be rubber stamped without any input from the surrounding neighbours?

I've received a lot of complaints from the people in this neighbourhood today when I approached them with my petition.

They told me that City Council didn't listen to them:

before the fire station was built

before the school was built

when their street parking was taken away (13 parking spaces taken on the East side of the school, on Meldrum, and 12 spaces taken on the West side of the school, on Chandler).

Do you know there are only 5 street parking spaces on Chandler for 23 houses?

Yes - all the houses on Chandler are on 40 ft lots and many driveways are only 8 feet wide. Beside their home, there is not enough space to squeeze in a car.

So there is not enough room for people to park more than one vehicle in their driveway. "No parking" and "No stopping" signs are posted everywhere because the school and fire station have priority.

So if the proposed amendment is passed to allow lots to be 40 ft wide, then people in those new houses will be fighting for parking because the by-law says the City is only required to allow driveway space to park ONE vehicle. Almost every couple or family has at least 2 vehicles these days. Where are they supposed to park their second/third vehicle?

One senior neighbour had to sell his vehicle when 6 street parking spaces were eliminated on Chandler so fire trucks could turn into the station lot.

He could only park his truck on the street because his driveway only has room for his wife's car. When he lost his street spot (in front of his house) he had no choice but to sell his vehicle. Another neighbour parks his JEEP sideways in his driveway because a sidewalk cuts through the middle of his driveway so the police have ticketed him when he used to park properly in his driveway.