August 10, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Item 7.2
Additional Information

From: Alan Pazur
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2020 11:57 AM
To: clerks <>
Subject: Proposed amendments to official plan and zoning by-law: File OPA/6059 and ZNG/6058

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RE: 5787, 5791 and 5795 Tecumseh Rd East.

As a commercial property owner and operator of a professional optometry practice at 5828 Tecumseh Rd East, I wish to comment on the proposed amendments to the zoning by-law and City of Windsor Official Plan. My property is across the street from the subject property.

I AM NOT in favour of these proposed amendments.

Firstly, ground floor residential does not belong on a commercial corridor.

Secondly, amendments to the City of Windsor Official Plan to allow this is to occur will only allow for further conversions of vacant commercial properties. This is a very dangerous precedent for the City of Windsor to endorse and would, in my opinion, lead for further degradation of our commercial corridors in our city.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


Alan M. Pazur OD
5828 Tecumseh Rd. East,
Windsor, ON, N8T 1E2.