The answer is NO.
- d. Does the subject alley serve properties fronting on heavily traveled streets i.e. major arterial routes?
The answer is NO.
c. Does the subject alley contain sewers, and must the alley remain accessible for servicing?
The answer is YES. The Emilia Road right-of-way contains a 200mm water main that could be accessed using an easement. Therefore, the right-of-way can remain accessible for servicing.
d. Does the subject alley serve as the only vehicular means of access to rear parking areas and garages where the property has insufficient lot width for a side drive?
The answer is NO.
- Does the subject alley contain Fire Department connections that are deemed to be necessary for firefighting access?
The answer is NO
Based on the above, the Planning Division deems the subject east-west alley “dispensable” and supports the requested closure.
A 0.3m reserve is located along the southern edge of the alley shown as “Block 104” on Drawing No. CC-1741 attached as Appendix ‘A’. The reserve is included on Plan No. 12M-254 dated July 18, 1989 and was created to limit development southerly of Emilia Road where it becomes Seventh Street.
It is noted that the lands abutting the alley to the south known as Spring Garden Park are identified by the Province as natural heritage features. Discussions with the Parks Department confirmed that the southern half of the alley is not required for parkland. As no development or site alteration is proposed by the owners of 3156 Fazio Drive and 3180 Fazio Drive the presence of natural heritage features in Spring Garden Park will not impact this alley closure application.
It is important to note that upon closure, alleys within the City of Windsor are typically divided into parcels along the centreline of the closed alley in order to equitably convey the alley to each abutting property owner. However, where there are existing encroachments or other obstructions, the alley may be divided partially or in other ways to address such situations in a manner deemed appropriate by the City Planner. A topographic survey would be a necessary tool to use in determining the appropriate manner of conveyance. The goal is to provide each abutting property owner the opportunity to acquire a portion of the closed alley. In the case of this portion of alley, the abutting property owner is the City of Windsor.