Risk Analysis:

The recommended closure will divest the City of associated liability risks and maintenance costs. The recommended closure poses no known risk to The Corporation of the City of Windsor.

Financial Matters:

For land abutting properties zoned Residential RD1.1, $1.00 plus deed preparation fee and proportionate share of the survey cost as invoiced to The Corporation of the City of Windsor by an Ontario Land Surveyor.

For land that is either part of the Emilia Road Right-of-Way or in Block 104, the cost will be $129 per m2 without easements and $64 per m2 with easements.


Consultations were held with Municipal Departments and Utility Companies, which resulted in the information found in attached Appendix “C”.

There were no objections from the municipal departments and utility companies for the requested alley closure.

Notice of Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting and Council meeting are published in the Windsor Star prior to each of the meetings. In addition, notice of each of the public meetings will be mailed to the abutting/affected property owners prior to the meetings.


The Planning Division recommends closure of the Emilia Road right-of-way and east- west alley as shown on attached Appendix “A”, subject to easements as noted in Recommendation I and IV of this report. Additionally, the Planning Division recommends the sale of the 0.3m reserve as noted in recommendation XI of this report.

Planning Act Matters: