Executive Summary:



An application for an alley closure was submitted on October 16, 2018 by Dante Gatti acting as agent on behalf of Lisa Baggio, owner of the property known as 3180 Fazio Drive to close the east-west alley located on the south side of Fazio Drive, east of Emilia Road.

In January 2020, Administration met with Dante Gatti (agent), Lisa Baggio (applicant) owner of 3180 Fazio Drive and Giuliana Hinchliffe (additional co-applicant) owner of 3156 Fazio Drive. The applicants submitted a written amendment to their application as follows to close:

  1. “That portion of the approximate fifteen-foot alley that abuts the southerly limits of their respective lands, and”

  2. “A portion of Emilia Road and the one-foot reserve thereto, which abuts the westerly limit of 3180 Fazio Drive.”

The Planning Division deems the January 2020 application to be substantially different from the original application and is treating it as a new application.

The area included in the amended application is shown on Drawing No. CC-1741 attached as Appendix “A”, and also shown on the aerial photo attached as Appendix “B”.

The subject alley and right-of-way appears untraveled. The subject alley is comprised of grass and the portion of the Emilia Road right-of-way is comprised of landscaping. There are no municipal sewers or manholes in the alley. The portion of Emilia Road right-of-way is approximately 125 m2 in area and contains a 200mm Windsor Utilities watermain located 3m from the 3180 Fazio Drive property line. There are existing encroachments in the subject alley and right-of-way. The exact location of the encroachments will be determined through a survey of the subject alley as prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor.


Planning Division’s analysis of the requested alley closures:

The first test is to determine whether the subject alley is dispensable. To make such determination the guideline attached herein as Appendix “E” would be relevant as shown below:

a. Does the subject alley serve commercial properties?