Both zoning categories permit: (a) Existing Duplex Dwelling; (b) Existing Semi-Detached Dwelling; (c) One Single Unit Dwelling; and (d) Any use accessory to the preceding uses.

RD1.1 and RD1.2 zoning categories have different minimum lot width and lot area provisions for a Single Unit dwelling, as shown below:

  RD1.2 RD1.1
Lot Width – minimum 12m 15m
Lot Area – minimum 360m2 450m2

The subject lands are mostly described on a registered plan of subdivision RP 1098 as 40ft (12m) lots. The applicant is requesting a new zoning category (RD1.2) that allows for 40ft (12m) minimum lot widths for single unit residential developments. The lot area for each 40ft lot on RP 1098 is greater than 360m2. Parking requirement in by-law 8600 is one (1) motor vehicle parking space, minimum, required for a single unit dwelling.

A holding provision will be applied to the subject amendment in order to ensure that outstanding site development requirements (found in the CONSULTATION and the RECOMMENDATION sections of this report) are satisfied prior to any development on the subject lands. A draft by-law is attached as Appendix E.


The proposed amendment does NOT meet the definition of a “development” as in section 41(1) of the Planning Act. Therefore, the applicant is NOT required to submit an application for Site Plan Approval.

Risk Analysis:

The requested zoning amendment will require reopening of the closed Meighen Road right-of way and installing sidewalk on one side of the re-opened right-of-way. The Corporation of the City of Windsor should expect the usual risk factors associated with opened right-of-ways.

Financial Matters:




Appendix C to this report, contains comments from the municipal departments and external agencies. There are no objections to the proposed amendment. However, some municipal departments and external agencies have recommended conditions for approval of the zoning amendment. Below is a snapshot of those conditions of approval. The full information can be found in Appendix C and Recommendation II of this report.

Engineering & Geomatics Division recommend the following conditions:

Street Opening Permit – The applicant agrees to obtain street opening permits for sewer taps, drain taps, road construction, sidewalks, street lights, etc. from the City Engineer, prior to ...

Development Agreement – The applicant agrees to conform to the General Provisions of Council Resolutions 233/98 and any other specific requirements.

Municipal Address Plan – The applicant shall agree prior to issuance of a Building Permit, to submit a Municipal address plan for the subject lands.