Servicing Study – Prior to the issuance of a Street opening permit, the applicant shall agree to review the existing and proposed sewer system for this development to determine its affect on the municipal sewer system. The study shall ... The applicant is required to demonstrate that no negative impacts will be realized by the existing surrounding community, before the proposed ...

Sidewalks – The applicant agrees to construct, at its entire expense, according to City of Windsor Standard Specifications and in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer, a concrete sidewalk on one side of Meighen Road.

Meighen Road Cul-De-Sac – The applicant(s) agree to construct a cul-de-sac with a minimum radius of 9.5m at the southerly limit of the Meighen Road extension.

Reserve – The applicant shall agree that dead-ended highways shall terminate in 0.3 metre reserve block.

Street Lighting – The owner agrees to construct and install street lighting including all poles, wiring, fixtures, and conduits with design, location and specifications satisfactory to the City Engineer and EnWin Utilities Ltd. Should the decorative poles be requested, the owner shall provide extra poles and/or funds in accordance with Council Resolution 743/2000.

Transportation Planning recommends the following condition:

A sidewalk will be required along the east side of Meighen Road from Milloy Street to the southerly limit of Meighen Road.

Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) recommends the following condition: That stormwater quality and storm water quantity will need to be addressed up to and including the 1:100 year storm event and be in accordance with the guidance provided by the Stormwater Management Planning and Guidance Manual, prepared by the Ministry of Environment (MOE, March 2003) and the “Windsor-Essex Region Stormwater Management Standards Manual”


The City will advertise the official notice in the Windsor Star Newspaper as mandated by the Planning Act.

The City will also mail courtesy notice to all properties within 120m (400 feet) of the subject parcel, prior to the Development & Heritage Standing Committee (DHSC) meeting.


The applicant`s request to amend zoning by-law 8600 by changing the zoning of the subject land from RD1.1 to RD1.2 & GD1.5 will facilitate development of single unit dwellings on lots with 12m (40-ft) minimum width, plus storm water facility. The proposed GD1.5 zoning will accommodate storm water management facility to service the proposed residential developments on the subject lands.

Upon reviewing comments received from municipal department and external agencies, the relevant policies of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 2020 and the Official Plan, it is my opinion that this zoning by-law amendment is consistent with the PPS 2020 and maintains conformity with the Official Plan. This amendment is good planning.

In my opinion, a decision to approve this zoning by-law amendment is consistent with the PPS 2020.

The recommendation is for approval of the applicant’s request with a holding prefix, which shall be removed when the conditions in Recommendation II of this report are satisfied and an application is submitted to remove the holding symbol.