As shown in the attached Appendix A to this report, the Official Plan’s objectives are to support a complementary range of housing forms, promote compact residential form for new developments and promote selective residential infill and intensification initiative in the City of Windsor. See sections, and 6.3 1.3 of OP Vol.1. These objectives of the OP are satisfied by the proposed development on the subject land. The amendment supports a complementary range of housing forms in the subject neighbourhood. The amendment also provides opportunity for residential redevelopment, infill and intensification; thereby, promoting a compact neighbourhood.

As shown in the attached Appendix A to this report, under policies of the Residential land use designation, s. 6.3.2, “Uses permitted in the Residential land use designation identified on Schedule D: Land Use include Low, Medium and High Profile dwelling units.”

The subject amendment is for the creation of two new zoning categories (RD1.2 and GD1.5) on the subject lands. The RD1.2 is a zoning category that permits the development of single detached dwellings, which is deemed small scale form of low profile housing development under the classification of “types of low profile housing” s. of the OP.

The locational criteria, s. of OP Vol. 1, are satisfied. The subject lands provide opportunity for residential infilling within an established residential neighbourhood with access to nearby collector and arterial roads as noted already in this report under “Municipal Infrastructure”. The development can be serviced by full municipal physical services. Existing community services, open spaces and public transportation are already in the neighbourhood and can service a future small scale low profile housing development on the subject land.

The residential zoning category (RD1.2) resulting from this amendment is already in existence in the immediate area. Therefore, the proposed infill residential development consisting of single detached dwellings will most likely be designed to function as an integral and complementary part of the existing residential development pattern. This amendment will facilitate a future infill development in keeping with the Official Plan built form policy for infill developments as in section, OP Vol. 1.

“All amendments to the Zoning By-law(s) shall conform with this Plan,” stated in s. of the OP. Based on the analysis provided in this report, this zoning by-law amendment maintains conformity with the Official Plan.

This amendment meets the evaluation criteria set out in s. of the OP. The subject zoning by-law amendment is consistent with the relevant policies of the PPS and conforms with the applicable objectives and policies of OP Vol. 1. No support study was required as part of this application. However, the requirements, comments and recommendations from municipal departments and circularized agencies have been considered, as noted in the CONSULTATION section of this report. This amendment promotes opportunity for residential intensification, redevelopment and infill, which creates a compact form of neighbourhood and ensures continuation of an orderly development pattern in the subject area. The zoning by-law amendment will provide additional housing opportunities in the area with no negative impact on the adjacent properties.


The subject land is zoned Residential District 1.1 (RD1.1) in the City of Windsor Zoning By-law 8600. The proposed new zoning is Residential District 1.2 (RD1.2) in the City of Windsor Zoning By-law 8600. Appendix B, attached to this report, contains relevant excerpts from Zoning By-law 8600. Permitted uses under the RD1.1 and RD1.2 zoning districts are exactly the same.