When considering the Development Strategy, the Official Plan encourages a variety of housing types located within the urban settlement area and in proximity of existing infrastructure such as an arterial road (Tecumseh Road East) existing sanitary/storm sewers, public transit and other amenities. The subject property is located in close proximity to the following amenities:

The adaptive re-use of the existing building stock facilitates the use of existing infrastructure through intensification. In addition the availability of various housing types such as this would prevent urban sprawl and allow people to live in the same community at any stage of their life.


The property is zoned Commercial District 2.1 (CD 2.1) in Zoning Bylaw 8600. As per Section 15.2.1 Permitted Uses, dwelling units are permitted in a combined use building with other uses such as offices, retail, restaurant, etc.

The requested amendment will provide a type of flexible zoning where the ground residential units are permitted as an additional permitted use. If demand for retail changes in the future the owner can still convert the first floor residential units back to a commercial use.

The applicant proposes a site specific amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 to permit a multiple dwelling unit by changing the zoning from a Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1) to Commercial District 2.2 (CD2.2). As part of this request the applicant also requires an Official Plan Amendment to permit ground floor residential as a Special Policy Area in the City’s Official Plan. Section 24.20 of Table (Multiple Dwellings containing a minimum of five units) of Zoning By-law 8600 requires eight (8) Parking spaces for the number of residential units being proposed. Section 24.22 requires one (1) parking space to be marked as visitor parking spaces. Eleven (11) parking spaces currently exist on the site. Therefore, there is sufficient parking on site to accommodate the new residential units. Section requires an Amenity Area per unit. As suggested in the Planning Rational Report, no amenity space has been proposed because the site is in close proximity to nearby parks.

When considering the challenges traditional retail faces today, when competing with “big box “ retail, online shopping, and increasing mobility options and the need for additional rental housing units, it is my professional opinion that permitting dwelling units on the first floor are an appropriate re-use of this commercial space.