Given that there is a change of use, Site Plan review is required to ensure that the first floor storefronts can not only accommodate dwelling units but also be able to be converted back if the applicant wishes to convert the units to retail storefronts in the future. Through Site Plan Review staff will request that large storefront windows and glazing are retained or replaced with new similar windows.

Risk Analysis:


Financial Matters:


City Departments and Agencies

Comments from municipal departments and external agencies are attached as Appendix E Consultation to this report. There are no objections to the proposed amendments.

Public Notice

The official notice will be advertised in the Windsor Star newspaper as mandated by the Planning Act. A courtesy notice will be mailed to all properties within 120 meters (400 feet) of the subject site, prior to the Planning and Heritage Standing Committee (PHEDSC) meeting.


The recommended Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments provides an appropriate adaptive re-use of the existing building. Sufficient parking exists to service the seven (7) unit multiple dwelling building.

The amendment to the City of Windsor Official Plan will apply a Special Policy Area to the subject property permitting a commercial/Multi-unit dwelling. This Official Plan Amendment will provide the Official Plan designation to allow the Planning and Building Department to recommend amending Zoning By-law 8600 while maintaining conformity with the Official Plan and consistency with the PPS.

The subject Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments constitutes good planning when considering the challenges traditional retail faces when competing against “big box “ retail, online shopping, and increasing mobility options and the need for additional rental housing units in the City. The zoning amendment provides a type of flexible zoning where the first floor residential units are permitted as an additional permitted use, giving the property owner another financial option to the existing vacant storefronts. If demand for neighbourhood retail changes in the future the owner can still convert the first floor residential units back to a commercial use.