The applicable PPS sections promote the vitality of the existing settlements recognizing the importance of long-term prosperity of these communities while minimizing the unnecessary public expenditures.

The requested amendments will facilitate the proposed re-use of an existing building and promotes a healthy, liveable and safe community. The recommended amendments are consistent with the PPS as referenced above.


Applicable Official Plan sections can by found in detail in the Appendix C of this report.

The Official Plan, Schedule D: Land Use designates the subject land as “Commercial Corridor” intended for areas which areas which are designed for vehicle oriented commercial uses. When considering the “Commercial Corridor” policies in the Official Plan, the proposed removal of the commercial use will not impact the supply of commercial space as the units provide limited opportunity for employment generated through this type of more traditional retail storefront. There are also other commercial uses in the area that provide for more appropriate employment opportunities. As suggested in the Planning Justification Report (see Appendix H), the ‘Commercial Corridor’ land use designation is intended for areas which are designed for vehicle oriented commercial uses and typically take the form as a commercial strip where the building is set back and designed with parking in front adjacent the arterial or collector road. The design of this particular building lends itself to more of a traditional main street typology where buildings are sited adjacent to the street and designed to be more compatible with pedestrian traffic. The Planning Justification Report suggest that the existing retail units are better suited for a residential use.

The addition of the proposed first floor units is consistent with the goals of the Official Plan concerning supporting a range of housing forms in all neighbourhoods, promoting selective residential redevelopment, infill and intensification initiatives, and promoting compact neighbourhoods.

As per the Planning Justification Report (see Appendix H) submitted with the application, the building is built to the lot line on an established frontage along Tecumseh Road East. The proposed changes within the existing building as shown in the Appendix F: Proposed Floor Plans will accommodate seven (7) residential units. The building has been in place for many years with existing residential on the second floor and commercial uses on the main floor. The applicant is requesting the conversion of 2 commercial units on the first floor to two (2) residential units on the first floor to create a total of seven (7) residential units.