July 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Cmte
Item 7.3
Additional Information

From: Don O'Neill
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 3:24 PM
To: clerks < clerks@citywindsor.ca>
Subject: Zoning Bylaw Amendment

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Zoning Bylaw Amendment

I am writing regarding a notice of a public meeting to consider an amendment to zoning bylaw 8600, file number ZNG/6057 Z-007/20.

We have received notice that the neighbor’s property at 525 and 535 Cabana Rd., East is being considered for rezoning. I am opposed to that change.

I wish to attend the meeting scheduled for July 13, 2020 electronically, and I also wish to be notified of the decision of the City of Windsor in writing.

The property in question was originally residential. The house there was torn down a few years ago and the lot has remained empty since. The area was then zoned to allow for a single-story medical complex. As neighbors, we were assured that it would be single-story only and that there would not be parking against our fence.

The owners, Rosati Development Corp. have applied now to allow additional uses of Restaurant and Takeout Restaurant to be added to the list of permitted uses.

We live directly behind that property, on Bedford Court. We are opposed to those changes as having a restaurant on that site will lead to:

  1. After hours use and noise.

  2. Strong smells from the restaurant.

  3. Risk of rats and other vermin.

Donald O’Neill