July 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Cmte Mtg
Item 7.1
Additional Information

From: Melissa K
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 10:52 AM
To: clerks <clerks@citywindsor.ca>
Subject: Re: File Number: ICB Exemption 2020-8

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I am messaging about the property that is listed as 2650 Metcalfe on your location map. This property should not be considered for an exemption for many reasons, and these are some of them; first on the list, the property is unpaved, they have had no consideration when it comes to business ethics, plus, it is not favourable to the culture and climate of the neighbourhood.

When I speak of the property not being paved, this is very problematic because when trucks go through the dirt, the dirt is blown everywhere making it difficult to see for oncoming traffic, and pedestrians alike. The dirt actually beats off of the bare skin and is painful. City buses have had it happen that they were right behind a transport coming out, and the dust clouds make it difficult to visibly see, which is a danger for traffic. We have almost had my children hit by a transport as they were walking to the park. My kids were on the sidewalk, but were hard to see through the cloud of dust. The dust is everywhere, all over our cars, homes, backyards, and the beautiful playground that the city put in for our children to enjoy.

Then I start to discuss a lack of business ethics, this is shown and has been shown by the city needing to take the property owner to court for a lack of upkeep, along with a lack of consideration for neighbours with business practices. Now, considering the city has put money and resources into rebranding The Drouillard area, it would be nice to see it kept looking nice, instead of covered in dirt to the point where it looks like it might be a beach, only missing the water, unless it’s rained. The last issue that I will bring up, is in the past, there were problems with the previous company latching trucks at all hours of the night. This was crazy, because one would hear this sound at all hours of the night without consideration of those neighbours who live around there.

I hope that you would be able to take all this under consideration, when discussing our area.


Melissa Amber Kozak

Long term resident