PART 1 on Reference Plan 12R25749, BE CLOSED AND CONVEYED to the abutting property owners subject to easements as shown in Recommendation V below;

Executive Summary:



On February 3, 2020, Windsor City Council adopted CR54/2020 attached as Appendix “D” to amend the zoning of the lands at the southwest corner of Wyandotte Street East and Florence Avenue intersection from DRD1.1 to HRD2.1, GD1.4 & GD1.5 zoning districts. CR54/2020 also approved a draft plan of subdivision for the development of single unit dwellings and semi-detached dwellings on the rezoned land subject to a number of recommended conditions. One of such conditions is the closure and acquisition of the abutting north/south alley as stated below:

“That, prior to the submission of the final draft M-Plan, the Owner(s) shall, at its expense, apply to close and acquire the existing adjacent north-south alley to increase the width of the proposed Florence Avenue Road allowance to conform to the Official Plan requirements.”