Consequently, VGA INVESTMENTS INC., owner of the property located on the southwest corner of Wyandotte Street and Florence Avenue intersection, applied to close the 3.05 metres wide north-south alley located on the east side of Florence Avenue extension, south side of Wyandotte Street East, and abutting Lots 34 to 45 (incl.), Plan 1142, as shown on Drawing No. CC-1770 attached as Appendix “A”, and shown on the aerial photo attached as Appendix “B”. The applicant also owns the property located on the south side of Wyandotte Street East, east of Florence Avenue extension, described as Lots 32, 33 & 34 Plan 1142.

The subject north-south alley is untraveled and is composed of grass, shrubs and trees. There are no municipal sewers or manholes in the alley.

In addition to the applicant`s request, Administration requests the closure of the remnant open portion of the abutting east-west alley described as PART 1, on Reference Plan 12R25749. The remnant piece was retained for road widening purpose and was left open at the time the rest of the subject east-west alley was closed. By-law 95-2014 closed the east/west alley, except for the portion described as PART 1, 12R25749. This portion is no longer required for road allowance.


The first test is to determine whether the subject alley is dispensable. To make such determination the guideline attached herein as Appendix “E” would be relevant as shown below:

  1. Does the subject alley serve commercial properties?

    The answer is NO.

  2. Does the subject alley serve properties fronting on heavily traveled streets i.e. major arterial routes?

    The answer is NO.

  3. Does the subject alley contain sewers, and must the alley remain accessible for servicing?

    The answer is NO.

  4. Does the subject alley serve as the only vehicular means of access to rear parking areas and garages where the property has insufficient lot width for a side drive?

    The answer is NO.

  5. Does the subject alley contain Fire Department connections that are deemed to be necessary for firefighting access?

    The answer is NO.

Based on the above, the Planning Department deems the subject north-south alley “dispensable” and supports the requested closure.