Item No. 11.1

Council Report: S 84/2020

Subject: Closure of the north-south alley south of Wyandotte Street E., abutting the east limit of Florence Avenue extension, and the closure of a remnant portion of the east/west alley south of Wyandotte Street E., east of Florence Avenue extension; Applicant – VGA INVESTMENTS INC.; File No. SAA/6063, Ward 7


Date to Council: July 13, 2020
Author: Justina Nwaesei, MCIP, RPP
Senior Planner - Subdivisions
519-255-6543 ext. 6165


Planning & Building Services
Report Date: June 16, 2020
Clerk’s File #: SAA2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. That the 3.05 metres wide north-south alley located on the south side of Wyandotte Street, east side of Florence Avenue extension, between the south limit of Wyandotte Street right-of-way and the south limit of lot 45, Plan 1142, as shown on Drawing No. CC-1770 attached as Appendix “A”, BE ASSUMED for subsequent closure;

  2. That the 3.05 metres wide north-south alley located on the south side of Wyandotte Street, east side of Florence Avenue extension, between the south limit of Wyandotte Street right-of-way and the south limit of lot 45, Plan 1142, as shown on Drawing No. CC-1770 attached as Appendix “A”, BE CLOSED AND CONVEYED to the applicant, for the purpose of increasing the width of the proposed Florence Avenue Road allowance to conform to the Official Plan requirement (22m minimum width) per CR54/2020 DHSC 125 attached hereto as Appendix “D”;

  3. THAT the remnant unclosed portion of the 4.27 metre wide east-west alley south of Wyandotte Street East, east of Florence Avenue extension, described as PART 1 on Reference Plan 12R25749, BE ASSUMED for subsequent closure;

  4. THAT the remnant unclosed portion of the 4.27 metre wide east-west alley south of Wyandotte Street East, east of Florence Avenue extension, described as