Access Arrangement and Traffic Operations

The results of the traffic impact analysis undertaken in the January 2020 TIS for the proposed facility confirmed that the AM/PM peak hour development traffic generated by the site can be satisfactorily accommodated by any of the three access combinations that were analyzed:

Although the development traffic can be accommodated by the access connection to the Banwell Road and Palmetto intersection, the single access connection cannot accommodate the site design requirement for providing separate main entrance and service entrance spaces.

In addition, the second service entrance will also separate the facility service traffic from the Royal Timbers commercial development traffic at the Palmetto Street intersection.

While either a RIRO or all-movement second access to the facility can be accommodated on Banwell Road, the all-movement access is suggested as the preferred option based on the advantages for the facility and the implications for traffic flow on Banwell Road, as outlined below.

Banwell Road Widening and Intersection Improvements

Based on the 2016 Banwell Road Environmental Assessment recommendations, the City is proceeding with the widening of Banwell Road from two-three lanes to four lanes and intersection improvements including SB and NB left-turn lanes and centre medians at Palmetto Street.

The subject facility is located on the west side of Banwell Road between Palmetto Street and Tecumseh Road, with the proposed second access located approximately 148 metres north of Palmetto Street, and 218 metres south of Tecumseh Road.

For approximately 225 metres north of Palmetto Street, there are no existing driveways on the west side of Banwell Road. On the east side of Banwell Road, and across from the subject site, there are two existing driveways to the property at 3000 Banwell Road, which are located approximately 72 metres and 179 metres north from Palmetto Street.

Further north, there are two driveways on either side of Banwell Road, approximately 80 metres and 134 metres south of the intersection at Tecumseh Road.

Figure 2 (attached) illustrates the existing driveway locations on the east side and west side of Banwell Road (numbered E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, W-1 and W-2), and the proposed new access location on the west side. The new access will have adequate separation distances from