1:00 p.m., Monday June 8, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee


Item 7.1

Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 4100 7th Con. Rd.; Applicant: MAA AshaPuri Enterprises Inc.; File No. Z-020/19, ZNG/5980; Ward 9

a) The following area residents have submitted written submissions (attached):

  1. Jason and Angie LaMarre

  2. Steve Takacs

  3. Ray Lesperance

  4. Graham Miller

  5. Phil and Char Knuckle

  6. Barry and Judy Dunbar

  7. Barinder and Barinderjeet Bhangu

  8. Angela Drouillard

  9. Rob and Kristy Roy (2 submissions)

  10. Josh and Anita Trudeau

  11. Hardeep Singh Jhattu

b) Nikki van Oirschot, representing Caldwell First Nation submitting the attached email as additional information.

Item 7.2

OPA & Rezoning – Responsive Group – 3175-3215 Banwell - OPA 131 OPA/6047 Z-004/20 ZNG/6046 -Ward 7

a) Greg Bowman, Responsive Group Inc. submitting attached letter from Rajan Philips, Senior Transportation Consultant, Paradigm dated June 2, 2020


Item 7.1

Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 4100 7th Con. Rd.; Applicant: MAA AshaPuri Enterprises Inc.; File No. Z-020/19, ZNG/5980; Ward 9

  1. Justina Nwaesei, Planner III (powerpoint)
  2. Paul Bezaire, representing Applicant (powerpoint)
  3. Angie LaMarre, area resident
  4. Monica & Randall Smith, area residents
  5. Hardeep Singh Jhattu, area resident

Item 7.2

OPA & Rezoning – Responsive Group – 3175-3215 Banwell - OPA 131 OPA/6047 Z-004/20 ZNG/6046 -Ward 7

  1. Adam Szymczak, Planner III (powerpoint)
  2. Matt Campbell, Zelinka Priamo Ltd.