Palmetto Street to the south (148 metres) and from W-1, the driveway to the north on the west side (84 metres). It will also be offset by approximately 30 metres from driveway E-2 on the east side.

All of the existing driveways on Banwell Road between Palmetto Street and Tecumseh Road are currently operating as all-movement access points. With the construction of a centre median on the north leg of the intersection at Palmetto Street, driveway E-1, on the east side, will be restricted to RIRO.

However, driveway E-2 to will remain an all movement access, and the proposed lane configuration for this section of Banwell Road includes a two-way left turn lane (between the SB/NB left-turn lanes at Palmetto Street and Tecumseh Road) to accommodate turning movements to driveway E-2 and driveway W-1.

The new driveway on the west side is currently proposed to be located, approximately 30 metres offset from driveway E-2 and 84 metres south of driveway W-1, within the section of Banwell Road where the new two-way left-turn lane will be located.

The lane configuration changes on Banwell Road including the addition of a two-way left-turn lane (between driveways E-2 and W-1), can potentially accommodate an all-movement access on Banwell Road to the subject long-term care home facility, in addition to the access at the intersection of Palmetto Street and Banwell Road.

Providing an-all movement second access, instead of a RIRO access, will also eliminate the potential for vehicles exiting south from the facility and making U-turns on Banwell Road to travel north.


In summary, providing an all-movement driveway on Banwell Road as an additional access for the proposed long-term care home facility is feasible and justifiable based on the following considerations: