June 8, 2020
Item 7.1
Additional informationFrom: Rob Roy
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2020 12:03 AM
To: clerks
<clerks@citywindsor.ca> Subject: Baseline Development</clerks@citywindsor.ca>

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June 3, 2020

City Clerk’s Office

Re: Development & Heritage Standing Committee

Amendment to zoning by-law 8600 and by-law 85-18

File # ZNG/5980 Z-020-19

I am resident on Baseline Road.

The neighbourhood and homeowners have concerns regarding the proposed amendmen

Since 2003, when our area was amalgamated, our taxes increased with nothing gained. We do not have sidewalks, street utilize close to our neighbourhood. For 17 years we have paid more taxes than when we were part of Tecumseh and no a money” from new city taxpayers set aside for local improvements to infrastructure?

At the April 4, 2020 meeting, the chair stated that because of the large volume of calls and emails regarding this proposed discuss concerns with the residents and planners. This agenda item was then motioned to defer by Councillor Sleiman an supported the deferral. Councillor McKenzie has not reached out to the residents of his ward as a whole to date.

We would like an opportunity to be heard and listened to as taxpayers.

Thank you,

Rob an Kristy Roy

Cc: Councillor McKenzie –