June 8, 2020
Item 7.1
Petition EmailFrom: Rob Roy
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2020 12:55 AM
To: clerks <clerks@citywindsor.ca>
Cc: Mckenzie, Kieran <kmckenzie@citywindsor.ca>
Subject: Baseline

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I am reaching out at this time to verify to the City of Windsor, and to City Council, that we, the residents of Baseline Road almost unanimously oppose the proposed zoning change, the proposed roundabout, and the sewer project. The cost of the sewer project will drive some residents out of their homes as many, simply, cannot afford this massive financial burden. CoVid 19 has put financial strain on many households and the financial forecast is unknown for many of us at this point. There are retired pensioners that will not be able to afford their homes any longer with the cost of this sewer We feel the unfair push to install the sewer is to ultimately serve the proposed hotel. Maybe the applicant for zoning change should be taking the bulk of the cost of the entire sewer to have his business connected to a municipal sewer. We feel we shouldn't be connected to a proposed roundabout to allow unimpeded traffic to be directed down our residential road. It's a safety issue with many having young children. There is no sidewalks, no parks, no community centers, for all of our young ones to enjoy. It's not ideal. In fact, it's completely unacceptable.

We feel not enough has been done to keep our taxpaying residents satisfied while trying to force these changes which have a major impact on our neighbourhood. It's unacceptable.

We, collectively, would like to have our concerns addressed. Actions must be taken to prevent the loss of our privacy, our safety, and our faith in the City of Windsor's integrity. The City of Windsor should do what is right and allow County Road 42 to be developed commercially but leave the residential neighbourhood on Baseline be.

Please see the attached petition which displays the support, in solidarity, for keeping our road safe, affordable and free from commercialization.

Thank you

Rob Roy