Scenarios for the development of new road frontage for the park and the feasibility of infill housing were examined by the Senior Property Agent, Manager of Parks Development, and Senior Community Development Planner, with additional input from Public Works Engineering and Traffic Planning.


Survey results show that the Little River Acres Park is highly underutilized due to the lack of adequate facilities, access, and supervision. Redevelopment of the park is an integral part of the Community Improvement Plan. The proposed design would improve access to the park, provide the facilities sought by residents, and create a gathering place in the heart of the community. As such, the park has the potential to foster cohesion, trust, and pride among community residents. For the Youth in particular, the redevelopment would provide multiple outdoor recreation opportunities as an alternative to gathering on street corners in Little River Acres.

The existing park space is more than twice the necessary size for a neighborhood park. Although substantial in size, without adequate facilities the park is not the asset that it ought to be for the community. The proposed design attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’ would fulfill the park component of the Community Improvement Plan and help build a healthy and cohesive community for the residents of Little River Acres and surrounding neighborhoods.


Schedule A —Redevelopment Concept Plan
Schedule B — Existing Conditions
Schedule C — Phasing Plan