allow for events such as a community corn roast, sports tournament picnic, etc. A description of all elements in the park design is provided on Page 1 of Schedule ‘A’, attached hereto.


The total cost of the park redevelopment as depicted in the design concept attached as Schedule ‘A’ is estimated to be $952,309.00 The Phasing Plan, attached hereto as Schedule ‘C’, would allow the implementation of this recommendation in the Community Improvement Plan, by spreading the total cost over a period of five years. Phases 1 through 4 inclusive can be implemented based on previously approved capital funding up to 2011. Phase 5 and the option of a Spray Pad would be contingent on new finding requests and/or allocation of the proceeds from the proposed residential development of 2.3 acres.

The City encourages donations, grants and partnerships to raise funds for park redevelopment projects, in particular for specialty items such as the spray pad. One example of a potential source is Hydro One, which recently announced the Power Play grants program (up to $25,000.00) to support and enhance children’s sports and recreation facilities in Ontario.

The cost of constructing the roadway is estimated at $2,510.00 per linear meter of right-of-way, for a total of $572,280.00. After subtracting the cost of the right-of-way, the net proceeds from the sale of lots would be approximately $225,000.00. These proceeds could be reinvested into the park, although it should be noted that this is incidental to the main purpose for creating the new right—of—way and lots facing the park (see Discussion section above). The procedure for the development of the roadway and housing will be the subject of a future report to the Council.


Among the objectives of the Community Strategic Plan is to “Protect Community Wellness” making sure citizens can pursue a healthy lifestyle and reach their full potential. As a programmed gathering space, a redeveloped park has the potential to improve social relations in the neighborhood and therefore the potential to reduce demand on police and other high-cost services.

A further objective of the Plan is to “develop land efficiently, attractively, and in ways that protect the environment”. An infill housing development as foreseen by the park redevelopment plan represents the preferred model of development in lieu of outward suburban expansion.


The formal survey of residents and the subsequent Public Open House components are described in detail in the Background Section above. A meeting was held with the Executive of the Little River Acres Residents Association prior to the Public Open House.