A Market Impaci Assessment has been provided.

  1. The site is not within or adjacent to on area identified on Schedule C: Development Constraint Area except that it is in the Airport Operating Area which is dealt with elsewhere in this report. 

  2. The site is not contaminated. 

  3. The Transportation Impact Study revealed no major concerns with respect to traffic 

  4. 2 single residential units are located adjacent to the site. Ample setbacks. screening fences and landscaping are used to mitigate any Impact. 

  5. No secondary plan has been prepared for this area

  6. Full municipal services on emergency services are available

  7. Off-street parking has been provided L exceeds the by-low requirement 

  8. A market study has been prepared to assess impacts on other commercial areas 


Section indicates criteria To be met for c: Business Park development To proceed.

" Business Pork development shall be located where:

  1. the business park use can be sufficiently separated and/or buffered from sensitive land uses,

  2. the site will be accessible and highly visible from Controlled Access Highway or a Class I or Class II Arterial Road;

  3. full municipal physical services can be provided:

  4. business park-related traffic con be directed away from