
From:       Tuffin, Steve <stuffin@yqg.ca>

Sent:        Thursday, October 31, 2019 1:52 PM

To:            'pbetaire@bezaire.ca'

Cc:            'Mike Schincariol' Subject:

RE:            Proposed 4 story building at 4100 7th Concession Rd. 

Good afternoon Paul,

I will confirm that the property in question is outside the airport's Obstacle limitation Scope OLS. Therefore the height restriction is 150'. The building at 40 to 50 feet high would not be an issue for the airport 

Steve Tuff

Director of Airport Operations 

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From: pbezaire@bezaire.ca <pbezaire@bezaire.ca>
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2019 9:55 AM
To: Tuffin, Steve <stuffin@ygg.ca>
Cc: 'Mike Schincariol' <mike@winconconstruction.com>
Subject: Proposed 4 story building at 4100 7th Concession Rd. 

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 

Your Quick Gateway (Windsor)
Inc. o/a Windsor International Airport
Att: Mr. Steve Tuffin, Director of Operations
3200 County Road 42, Unit 200
Windsor, ON N8V OA 1 

Good morning Steve: You and | spoke several months ago, (and again this morning) as | was doing some preliminary planning for a proposed hotel at the southeast corner of 7th Concession and Baseline Rd, The address is 4100 7th Concession. The proposed building is an 87 room hotel with a 24 phase on-site restaurant to be built at a later date.

You are no doubt familiar with the city's environmental assessment for County Road 42 which includes a roundabout at the intersection of County Road 42, Baseline Rd, and 7th Concession. That roundabout will require a conveyance of a property from the owners to the city resulting in considerably less site area. Fortunately, we are able to accommodate that by adding a fourth story to the hotel. The resulting building height would be between 40 and 48 feet.

