Whenwespokelast, | asked whether or not the airport would have any concerns about the proposed height of the building, and you replied that they would have no objection as the height restriction for that particular property was in the area of 150 feet.

Weare now preparing our application to the city to both rezone the property and for site plan control, and it would be helpful to have your comments confirmed. | would be grateful for an email confirming such.


Paul Bezaire OALA MCP RPP

Bezaire Partners
Urban Planners, Landscape Architects.
Planning & Construction Meditation, Public Consultation, Project management,
Environmental Impact Stuccos, Pats & Recreation Planning 

We have moved Please note the address change.
302-180 Eugenie St West Windsor Ontario N8X 2X6
M 519.816.6864 |V 519.966.044