ENWIN UTILITIES - Water Engineering – Cecile Dalgleish, March 25, 2020

Water Engineering has no objections to the rezoning


Delegated Responsibility to Represent Provincial Interest in Natural Hazards (PPS) And Regulatory Responsibilities of The Conservation Authorities Act

The following comments reflect our role as representing the provincial interest in natural hazards as outlined by Section 3.1 of the Provincial Policy Statement of the Planning Act as well as our regulatory role as defined by Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act.

The above noted lands are subject to our Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation under the Conservation Authorities Act (Ontario Regulation No. 158/06). The parcel falls within the regulated area of the Parent Outlet Drain. The property owner will be required to obtain a Permit and/or Clearance from the Essex Region Conservation Authority prior to any construction or site alteration or other activities affected by Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act.

Watershed Based Resource Management Agency

The following comments are provided in an advisory capacity as a public commenting body on matters related to watershed management.

SECTION Stormwater Management (PPS, 2014)

ERCA has concerns with the potential impact of the quality and quantity of runoff in the downstream watercourse due to the proposed development on this site. ERCA recommends that stormwater quality and stormwater quantity will need to be addressed up to and including the 1:100 year storm event and be in accordance with the guidance provided by the Stormwater Management Planning and Guidance Manual, prepared by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE, March 2003) and the "Windsor-Essex Region Stormwater Management Standards Manual".

We therefore request inclusion of the following conditions in the Development Agreement:

  1. That the developer undertakes an engineering analysis to identify stormwater quality and quantity measures as necessary to control any increases in flows in downstream watercourses, up to and including the 1:100 year design storm, to the satisfaction of the Municipality and the Essex Region Conservation Authority.

  2. That the developer installs stormwater management measures identified above, as part of the development of the site, to the satisfaction of the Municipality and the Essex Region Conservation Authority.

  3. That the developer obtains the necessary permit or clearance from the Essex Region Conservation Authority prior to undertaking site alterations and/or construction activities.

Planning Advisory Service To Municipalities - Natural Heritage Policies of the PPS

The following comments are provided from our perspective as a service provider to the Municipality on matters related to natural heritage and natural heritage systems as outlined in Section 2.1 of the PPS. The comments in this section do not necessarily represent the provincial position and are advisory in nature for the consideration of the Municipality as the planning authority.