On May 1, 2020, Provincial Policy Statement 2020 (PPS 2020) came into effect and replaced Provincial Policy 2014 (PPS 2014). All decisions of Council on Planning Act matters shall be consistent with PPS 2020.

Report No. S 42/2020 was prepared well ahead of the May 1st, 2020 and the Planning Analysis in the report, as well as the applicant`s Planning Justification Report were based on PPS 2014, which is no longer in effect. Consequently, the applicant`s planning consultant (Bezaire Partners) has provided supplementary information dated May 12, 2020, addressing the impact of PPS 2020 on the proposed development at 4100 7th Concession. In the consultant`s opinion, the proposal is consistent with policies of PPS 2020. Please see attached material prepared by Bezaire Partners.

I have reviewed the changes to PPS 2014, the relevant policies of PPS 2020, and the attached supplementary information prepared by Bezaire Partners. I note that the language in policy 1.2.2 has changed from supportive in PPS 2014 to directive in PPS 2020. In light of that, I have made effort to engage the Walpole Island and Caldwell First Nation Communities in discussions pertaining to the subject planning Act matter. I am awaiting their response.

Based on the above, it is my opinion that the recommended Zoning By-law amended in Report Number S 42/2020, is consistent with PPS 2020.