Item 7.1--Attachment from P. Bezaire to Additional Info. Memo June 8, 2020--Development & Heritage Standing Committee Meeting


Bezaire Partners

Urban Planners, Landscape Architects,

Planning & Construction Mediation, Public Consultation, Project Management, Environmental Impact Studies, Park and Recreation Planning

3514 Walker Rd. Unit 1A Windsor ON N8W 3S4

C 519 816 6844 | V 519 966 6844 | F: 519 966 4088 | E:

2020 05 12

City of Windsor
Department of Planning and Building Services
350 City Hall Square West
Windsor ON
N9A 6S1

Att: Justina Nwaesei

Dear Justina:

RE: 4100 7 th Concession – Supplement to PJR dated October 2019

The Province of Ontario enacted Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 2020 replacing PPS 2014 on May 1, 2020. The planning justification report (PJR)for this project was prepared in October of 2019. The application was deferred at the April meeting of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee with the earliest possible date for rescheduling being in June 2020. The application is consequently subject to PPS 2020. The purpose of this supplementary report is to identify any implications of that change on the application.

I have reviewed PPS 2020 and noted the following:

  1. The following sections cited in the October 2019 PJR remain unchanged or have simple changes of wording that don’t impact the overall meaning of the policy: 1.1.1 (a) (b) (c),,,, 1.6.3,,,,

  2. The following sections incorporate a relatively significant change
  PPS PolicyNo. Intent of Policy Impact of Change
a. 1.1.1 (e) Requires the integration of land use planning, growth management, transit-supportive development, intensification, and infrastructure planning to minimize land consumption and servicing costs None – makes use of existing land use designation
b. Requires locating major facilities to avoid or minimize the adverse effects from odour, noise, other contaminants and minimize risk to public health and safety None – no increased risk