alternative to County Rd. 42. My twin boys regularly play outside and and so do other neighbor's young children. By adding a hotel, which typically provides a service to non-residents, I can see even MORE speeding and reckless driving in our neighborhood. Hotel guests are typically in a hurry to check-in, catch their flight, or get home to where they came from. I do not want this frantic pace and unsafe condition near my home. I worry about my young ones being on their bicycles, scooters or skateboards and having to be so close to this type of additional traffic. This has me fear for my family's safety in a very real way.

Without a complete study to redesign and reconstruct the intersection at 7th Concession and Baseline Rd., this proposed zoning change should not proceed. It would be negligent to allow an unsafe situation like this, to exist. This hotel is not welcome in our neighbourhood. If need be, a petition can be produced to show that our Windsor residents oppose this proposed project.

Please, I hope to hear from someone who can understand my concerns and absolute opposition to this proposal.

As a longtime Windsor resident, I would like to think the needs and opinions of our community can be addressed with OUR best interests in mind.

Thank you


Robert Roy